Tramontina Wood Handle Paring Knife Display

a genuine bargain

note to editors: I am reasonably sure that this item actually refers to a multi-pack (I suspect a dozen) of the item — can you verify count and correct?

You must have several paring knives in your kitchen. They are versatile, and you know you use them several times daily. So, a good one at a good price is important. There are several ones from any number of Japanese or German companies, but these will cost you an Andy Jackson per.

This dandy thing is only a few bucks, and will do the job of its more expensive brethren. It is the highest quality metal: high carbon stainless steel. Super sharp, the edge is reasonably durable, and quite efficient at cutting. However, since it is made in Brazil, the cost is a mere fraction of what you would normally have to spend.

I love it, and suggest you get several.

One warning: the blade is flat from handle to tip; the cutting edge does not curve up or down at the tip; for some, that makes this blade less versatile, but I do not…

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